Water Service Area

The Spartanburg Water service area covers approximately 864 square miles, including retail and wholesale service areas.

Service Area and Water Sources

Service Area

The Spartanburg Water service area covers approximately 864 square miles, including retail and wholesale service areas. The Spartanburg Water retail service area is approximately 259 square miles, and the wholesale service area is approximately 605 square miles. Landrum, a service area in the northwestern portion of Spartanburg County and extending into Greenville County, is a non-adjacent retail service area of approximately 15 square miles.

  • Click here for our Service Area Map.

Call (864) 582-6375 to confirm availability and to establish service.

Water Sources

Spartanburg Water is supplied with water from the following sources: 

Lake William C. Bowen, Municipal Reservoir #1,  Lake H. Taylor Blalock, Hogback Creek and Vaughn's Creek.

Lake Bowen, formed by the South Pacolet River and its tributaries, flows into Municipal Reservoir #1. The entire watershed for these reservoirs lie in Spartanburg and Eastern Greenville Counties. The R.B. Simms Water Treatment Facility treats the water from these water supply reservoirs.

The North Pacolet River and its tributaries combine with the Lake Bowen/Reservoir #1 system to form Lake Blalock. The watershed for this lake lies in South Carolina and North Carolina. The Myles W. Whitlock, Jr. Water Treatment Facility is designed to treat water from Lake Blalock.

Our Landrum Water Treatment Facility uses surface water from Hogback Creek, located near the top of Hogback Mountain, as well Vaughn's Creek, located near Lake Lanier. The source water is located in Greenville county within the Broad River Basin. The system serves a primary population of 4,300 people. 

The upstate of South Carolina is fortunate to have a temperate climate and, under normal climatic conditions, an abundance of available surface water. We are proactive in securing adequate source water reserves and treatment capacity to meet the future needs of our customers. Spartanburg Water owns a system of three interconnected reservoirs and two major water treatment facilities. Lake Bowen holds about 10.4 billion gallons and Municipal Reservoir #1 holds about one billion gallons of raw water at full pool. Lake Blalock holds about 7.2 billion gallons of raw water at full pool.


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